Picture of Heart Restored Banner with John and Tonya

Tonya, who has dealt with plenty of life struggles herself, has a heart for women who are going through – or have gone through – similar things she has faced.


Some of these things are:


  • Sexual Assault
  • Addiction
  • Abandonment
  • Mental Abuse
  • Physical Abuse
  • Depression


The early childhood trauma of sexual assault sent Tonya down a very dark and destructive path for many years. But, there is hope and restoration available!

Be the Hero of Your Own Story

She now wants to help those who have either gone down the same path, or help the one’s currently there to escape.


Her unique coaching ability in these areas will not only help, but women and young ladies will be with someone who can relate and tell you exactly how she escaped this damaging lifestyle.


Ultimately, she will help women become the “heroes of their own story.”


Physical and Mental Wellness

Tonya also has a passion for fitness and working out. As a Beach Body coach, she has learned a lot over the years about how to stay fit and eat more healthy. She has also discovered the better you feel physically, the better you feel mentally.


This knowledge did not come easily. It took years of trial and error as well as frustration before being able to grasp the correct way to take care of your body.

She also wants to help women who struggle in this area.


Needless to say, Tonya is very passionate about reaching women and helping them improve their mental and physical well being!

If you are a woman who has been through any of these situations and looking for guidance, she is the one you want to talk to!
Visit her official site at Heart Restored or use the Contact Page and someone will get back with you before you can say, “RESTORATION!”
  • Beach Body Wellness Coach

  • Certified Professional Coach

  • Certified Relationship Coach

  • Certified Bereavement Coach