Picture of bananas

Let's Get Those Marital Monkeys Off Your Back!


Thank you for swinging by Marital Monkey, or should we say, the marriage jungle!


We are here to help relationships, especially marriages, improve and grow whether it be through teaching, Professional, Relationship or Bereavement Ccoaching, articles, or even contests.


We are also here to help singles know what to look for as they swing across the trees in search for that lifetime partner.


So whether you are single, dating, engaged, married, divorced, or widowed, you are in the right place!


If you are an organization looking to book someone to speak at your event, we even have that covered!


So stop monkeying around and check out below what we have to offer here at Marital Monkey!

We appreciate you visiting and look forward to helping in any way we can!


While we build, please click on the icons to like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and subscribe to the Marital Monkey YouTube Channel!


We hope to bring some entertaining things to you, so please stay in touch!

“Serious, humorous, educational, challenging, interactive, and fun: It can all be found here at Marital Monkey!”


Professional Coaching


Do you need to talk to someone because you are struggling in any of these areas


  • Divorce
  • Marriage
  • Being Single
  • Being Widowed
  • General Life
We have people who can help!
Visit our “Relationship and Bereavement” page for more information.

Book John to Speak

John, the organizer of Marital Monkey, is a legally blind inspirational speaker, author, and a national champion blind bowler!
Book him for:
  • Men’s Conferences
  • Marriage Conferences
  • General Inspirational Speaking
See “Men’s Conferences” and “Marriage Conferences” for more info.

Geared for Women


Tonya, John’s wife, has created a ministry called, “Heart Restored,” that is geared specifically for women who have dealt with, or are dealing with:


  • Sexual Trauma
  • Mental or Physical Abuse
  • Addiction and more…


For women who need to talk to someone, Tonya’s your girl! Go to “Heart Restored” to get more information.

Workshops & Conferences

Marital Monkey can bring a Workshop or Conference to your town for little to no cost, CAN BRING COMEDIANS AND MUSICIANS WITH HIM, AND YOU COULD EVEN MAKE SOME MONEY!.
This is not your typical workshop/Conference. Think about it; you are on a site called “Marital Monkey!”

See “Workshops & Seminars” for more details.

Marital Monkey Mondays


Continuing with fun activities like marriage is our “Marital Monkey Mondays” show.


We invite all to join in as we discuss marriage and relationships and help each other with opinions and advice as well as discussing practical and scriptural topics.


Learn more at the Marital Monkey Mondays page.

Coming Soon!


Two new programs, one for men and one for women, are currently being developed! These will be released in early 2021, so please stay tuned!


We have had to remove one segment of Marital Monkey to open a spot for these, so we are very excited too release them in the coming months!

YouTube Channel

Our YouTube Channel will be filled with all kinds of stuff!

Interviews, devotionals, goofiness, and whatever else we can come up with, or possibly something you suggest to us!

Please subscribe to the channel for updates!

Visit the “Podcasts & YouTube” page.



Our podcast will also be full of stuff!


Our first podcast talks about the very first marriage ever, contains some very educational and interesting tidbits, and oh yeah, it is pretty funny, too!


Please subscribe at your favorite podcast platform. he list of platforms is on the “Podcast & YouTube” page.


So please subscribe to learn when new podcasts are available!


Hebrews 13:4

Marriage is to be held above all, and the marriage bed undefiled.”